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"Your body was designed to stay healthy.

You hold in your hands the power to take control of your health.

Never let anyone take your right to health away from you."

-Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Meet Sandy 
Certified Natural Health Practitioner
Certified Nutrition Consultant
Certified Sound Therapy Practitioner
Licensed Cosmetologist and Esthetician 

I started my health journey in my early 20s because of a health challenge. I read as many alternative health books that I could get my hands on and started changing my eating habits. 

I detoured a bit until 1986 because of personal reasons but got back on track after I had my gallbladder removed. I picked up where I left off on my health quest. I started juicing and buying organic foods wherever I could find them. I belonged to a food co-op in Cincinnati to get foods that were more natural and organic. 

Some called me a pioneer, but I felt more like a fish out of water. Looking back, I was definitely ahead of my time.

In 1996, I got my Cosmetology license and realized the need for safer products in the industry. My love of facials took me around the country; getting esthetic education and exploring skincare companies that manufactured chemical-free products that are safe for people and the planet.

I have had many clients over the years share their story of a health challenge, which inspired me to become a Certified Natural Health Practitioner. This certification encompasses Aromatherapy, Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine, and Holistic Nutrition. I then received another Advanced Nutrition Certification. I am also a Reiki Master, certified in Reconnective Healing, certified to teach Qi Gong, and certified in sound therapy.

I have lived an organic lifestyle at home for 45 years. I have also helped several people with cancer and degenerative diseases. I have facilitated classes on healthy eating and living a healthy lifestyle here in NKY and on the west coast. I also opened an organic hair salon in Denver 10 years ago. Cities such as Denver, Evergreen, & Beaver Creek, Colorado as well as Victor, Idaho and Jackson Hole, Wyoming have been my home.

My passion is to help those who want to live a healthier lifestyle and need some guidance on how to go about it.  It's time to make your health a habit!

Meet Sandy
Services for Men & Women


!!!  I'VE MOVED  !!!
Located inside

Salon Serenity
(at the Shoppes of Dudley)

581 Dudley Road, Edgewood, KY 41017

  Call or text me (Sandy) to schedule an appointment 

to purchase a gift certificate: 

(303) 500 - 4522

Cash, check, or Venmo accepted

The outside and inside of our bodies are not separate.

What is applied to the outside definitely effects the inside, which is why I only use natural, organic, non-toxic, chemical-free products.


The best way to keep infections, virus, colds and stress away is by strengthening the body’s natural defense mechanism. This non-invasive method helps to realign the functions that help the body attain the perfect metabolic balance that leads to super health, which is done by stimulating certain reflex points on the body and balancing the endocrine and nervous systems. This treatment uses a combination of reflexology, energy, and sound therapy techniques to rebalance and strengthen the immune system.

You will remain fully clothed and lie down on a massage table during the session.

60 Minute Immune Strengthening Treatment | $75.00


I offer two therapeutic facial treatments. I look at your skin health through a conversation about your diet, stress level, lifestyle, and home cleaning products so that I can better understand and address the multiple factors that impact your skin.

The techniques I use provide the following benefits:

  • Relaxes facial muscles even more

  • Encourages lymphatic drainage

  • Stimulates the dermis to support collagen and elastin production

  • Encourages the breakdown of toxins

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Purges dirt

  • Improves natural hydration

  • Reduces puffy eyes and dark circles

  • Relieves headaches and sinus issues

  • Acts as a botox alternative due to its ability to unkink settled-in muscle folds

  • Encourages firmer, more radiant skin

You will remove clothes that cover your face, neck, and upper chest area (aka the décolleté) and put on a cozy bath towel wrap that I provide. You will also lie down on a massage table during the session.

50 Minute Facial Treatment | $75.00
Includes cleansing with gentle exfoliation and extractions, if needed. The acupressure massage releases facial tension, improves blood flow, nourishes
your skin’s moisture barrier, and gives a total body tune-up.

80 Minute Facial Treatment | $110.00

Everything included in the 50-minute facial treatment PLUS ancient techniques and phototherapy.


This treatment draws our basic energy for renewing all functions of the human body through the application of ear, hand, and foot reflexology. Benefits can include the following:

  • Stimulates nerve functions that will help to increase your body's energy levels

  • Helps increase circulation

  • Prevents migraines

  • Helps sleep disorders and depression

  • Reduces pain

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Accelerates the healing of colds and bacterial infections 

  • Reduces stress and anxiety 

  • Improves digestion and many other imbalances

You will remain fully clothed and lie down on a massage table during the session.

30 Minute Reflexology Treatment  |   $35.00

60 Minute Reflexology Treatment |   $70.00


Sound therapy is a gentle, non-invasive acoustic treatment. It works by using the sound vibrations of tuning forks to harmonize the vibrations already occurring in your body. This sound therapy session is a wonderful and effective method of applying sound to the body, including acu-points, trigger and reflex points, bones, muscles, and tendons to help tonify qi or disperse qi to help relieve pain and attune the body on a cellular level.


Applying the forks stimulates and balances the body’s physical and subtle energy field to promote healing and inner harmony. Tuning forks create a balance in our vibrational system that enables the body to do the healing. Benefits can include the following:

  • Improves circulation

  • Aids digestion

  • Acts as a natural anti-inflammatory

  • Increases bone density and promotes healing of strained muscles, tendons, ligaments

  • Balances nervous system

  • Improves sleep quality

  • Removes blocked energy in the body

  • Stimulates the cells to produce nitric oxide

  • Lowers heart rate and brain wave patterns (thus helping you to relax)

  • Tunes natural cycles and unites passages in the body

  • And many more!

You will remain fully clothed and lie down on a massage table during the session. ​

60 Minute Sound Therapy: 1 Session  |   $75.00

60 Minute Sound Therapy: 3 Sessions |   $200.00


This treatment is 80 minutes total and is comprised of a facial, foot reflexology, and sound therapy. The Ultimate Trio is the perfect way to experience all 3 services and get an overall tune-up to help the body function at optimum levels. 

You will remove clothes that cover your face, neck, and upper chest area (aka the décolleté) and put on a cozy bath towel wrap that I provide during the facial portion. You will also lie down on a massage table during the session.

80 Minute Ultimate Trio |   $110.00


Contact me for class information: 303-500-4522 (call or text)

Learn More

Some of the deepest and most effective healing is not at a doctor's office or a hospital, but rather from inside ourselves.

Our bodies are designed for self-healing and we are capable of both boosting and blocking that ability. 

What is reflexology?

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An ancient practice that dates back to 2500 B.C. and is utilized by many cultures.


Reflexology is based on the principle that reflexes, or areas, in the feet, hands, and other parts of the body relate to the internal organs, limbs, nerves and other structures of the body. It causes a relaxation response to the corresponding parts of the body and help it return to a state of homeostasis, in which circulation can flow unimpeded to supply nutrients and oxygen to the cells and return it to a normal state of function.

Since stress and disease are ongoing facts of life for most people, reflexology can serve as a therapeutic and preventative treatment.

What is sound therapy?

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Tuning Forks are based on the principle that everything in the Universe is made of vibration. Sound Healing is possible because the human body is not solid. Our bodies are rhythmic and harmonic. Disease can indicate we have gone out of tune or the vibrational rate of the body has lost its rhythm. Tuning forks can assist the immune system and help stimulate the body to heal itself.

Because our bodies are made up of water and water conducts sound, the body is an awesome resonator for sound. Sound resonates four times faster in water. These vibratory sounds travel through the body to help remove energetic blockages, therefore relieving stasis and pain and increasing the flow of qi.

What is qigong?


Qigong ("chee-gong") is an ancient gentle art form of low impact exercise that is practiced by millions around the world. It can be practiced at any age and requires no special equipment or clothing.

  • Works on the whole body, making it strong and supple

  • Improves stamina, balance, and flexibility

  • Has positive effects on the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, immune and central nervous systems

  • If you are ill, it will help to improve your health

  • If you are healthy, you will maintain that healthy state

  • Can be done sitting or standing

  • Has an ability to slow down the aging process


You can control your health ... and it starts now

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Contact Info

(phone is the preferred way to reach me)
Areas Served

303 - 500 - 4522 
(call or text)

Northern Kentucky and

Greater Cincinnati

inside Salon Serenity
(at the Shoppes of Dudley)

581 Dudley Road, Edgewood, KY 41017

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